Personal Drug Testing Services

Appointments are Private
and Confidential
No Doctor
Referral Needed
Ask About Synthetic
Drug Testing
K2 Spice
Signs of Drug Use
The following should be causes for concern:
Abrupt changes in work or school attendance, quality of schoolwork or grades and/or discipline problems.
Unusual outbursts or displays of temper.
A shirking of responsibility.
Unexplained changes in overall attitude, including depression, withdrawal or apathy.
Deterioration or sudden change of physical appearance or grooming habits.
Sudden secretiveness or inappropriate concerns for privacy; poorly concealed attempts to avoid attention and suspicion, such as frequent trips to the restroom or basement may be an attempt to conceal drug use.
Wearing sunglasses, frequent use of eye drops,trying to conceal the eyes, does not look at you when speaking.
Pupils are unresponsive to light/dark; are dilated or constricted.
Association with known drug users or "problem" students.
Unusual borrowing of money from friends, siblings, or parents.
Stealing - either at home or through shoplifting.
Lying, extremely defensive when confronted.
Possessing unexplained valuables.
Drug paraphernalia
*Do you find common items that have been altered to aid in prepping the drug for use. i.e. burnt, cut, and/or bent items such as spoons, soda cans, discolored piping or tubing, unusual residue (powdery or sticky), etc.
It isn't just teens anymore; children are obtaining drugs at an earlier age then ever before.